Acceleration of the Implementation of the National Policy on Gender Equity and Equality Project

The Bureau of Gender Affairs of the Ministry of Social Services, Community Development and Gender Affairs, with funding from UNWOMEN, implemented the Acceleration Project in March 2013 to assist the Government of Dominica in the acceleration of the implementation of the national gender policy on gender equity and equality more specifically, to work on achieving the following specific objectives:


  1. To provide technical assistance on the revision of the relevant legislation and drafting of new legislation on a phased basis for a period of three years
  2. To build the capacity of the Gender Bureau staff and all gender focal points in disseminating gender-related information to the general public and monitoring and recording gender mainstreaming  objectives (milestones over the next 3 three years;
  3. To provide public education activities on gender issues through community outreach programmes and via the media for the next 3 years;
  4. To develop a national plan for dealing with gender based violence by the year 2014;
  5. To evaluate /assess the impact of the national policy on gender equity and equality in its entirety after six years of its existence and to develop a strategic plan going forward;

The project originally consisted of four components which are geared at achieving the following results:

  • Component  l    -  Enhance Technical assistance
  • Component  ll   -   Capacity Building/Institutional strengthening
  • Component  lll  -   Gender awareness and Sensitization
  • Component lV  -  National Plan developed for dealing with gender violence


A more gender friendly society, which recognizes the differences and similarities between women and men, boys and girls,reflected in the acquisition of equal access to resources, opportunities and benefits for the realisation of the full potential of all citizens in national development based on the principles of equality, justice and peace.


The Gender Bureau representing the interest of women and men at the governmental level ensures that policies, plans and programmes are in place to achieve improvement in the status of women and men and carries out its mandate in collaboration with government and non-government organizations.

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